Saturday, October 13, 2012

Elementary & High School Games

Elementary Games:

Ship to Shore
To start this game you line up all the children on one side of the gym floor or field. You then label 2 boundaries, one side of the gym or field labeled “Ship” and the other side labeled “Shore”. So when the leader or teacher calls out “Ship” the children start running towards that labeled side. Wise versa when “Shore” is called. Not only will the leader or teacher decided what direction the children will run in but they also will call out several different commands/actions for the children to do along the way. 
Some of the other commands/actions are:
Man Overboard – (group of 2) One person gets on their hands and knees. The other person puts one of their legs up on the other persons back and shades theirs eyes like they are looking in the distance.
Captain’s Coming – Each person stands and salutes.
Swab the Deck – Each person pretends to scrub the floor.
Crows Nest – Each person pretends to climb up a latter to the crow’s nest.
Submarine – Each person lies on his or her back with one leg up in the air.
Octopus – (group of 4) The group sits down with their backs in the middle and wiggles his or her legs and arms like an octopus.
Captain’s Daughter – (group of 2) One person kneels down on one knee, The other person sits on top of the other persons knee.
Beached Whale – Each person lies down on their bellies and wiggles like a “worm”.
At Ease – All the children put their hands on their hips/sides.

If it was a hot summer day and your class or group was outside you could incorporate water into the game. For example when the leader or teacher calls Octopus the leader could say, “Do you know what an Octopus needs? WATER!” Then the leader could splash the children with a little bit of water to make it more enjoyable for the children. 

Killer Frog
Everyone sits in a circle. One person is chosen to be the detective. He or she then leaves the room or area where he or she cannot hear or see what is going on in the circle. Everyone in the circle closes their eyes. The leader or teacher walks around the circle and taps someone on the head or shoulder who now becomes the Killer Frog. But no one knows who the frog is at first. The detective comes back in and sits in the middle of the circle. The Killer Frog then proceeds to stick out its tongue towards random people around the circle, tying not to be noticed by the detective. If Killer Frog sticks its tongue out at you, you just lay down. The detective gets three tried to guess the killer frogs identity. If he or she succeeds, someone else is chosen for the next round. If he or she doesn’t, then he or she is the detective again. It’s okay if other players know who the frog is.

High School Games:

Set-up/Equipment needed:
·      5-20 foam balls
·      20 bean bags
·      2 boxes or containers
·      4 mats
·      2 hockey nets
·      4 hula hoops
To set-up for the game the leader or teacher first lines up the foam balls along both sides of the gym (length wise). Then the leader can disperse the mats and hula-hoops all over the gym floor within the playing area. The hockey nets can be placed in the center of the gym put closely to make a fort or house. All the mats, hula-hoops, and fort is considered a safe zone. Place one box full of the beanbags on one side of the gym and an empty box on the other side of the gym (width of the gym).
First divide the class or group into two equal teams. One team starts on the sidelines with the foam balls and the other team starts at the empty box. The goal of the team on the sidelines is to stop the other team from getting the beanbags from one side to the other. The goal of the team starting at the empty box is to get as many bean bags into the empty box. If a player does get tagged by a foam ball they must put the beanbag back and start from the beginning again. The leader gives each team about 5 minutes to see how many beanbags then can gather. Then the teams will switch positions. The team with the most beanbags in the end wins.

Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is played between two teams on a rectangular pitch. A line is drawn across the pitch at either end creates two “endzones”. These are the goal-scoring areas. A goal is scored when a team completes a pass to a player standing in the endzone they are attacking.
Players cannot run with the disc. When you get the disc you must come to a stop and try to throw it to another player. By passing from player to player, the offence attempts to work the disc up the pitch towards the endzone they are attacking. If the disc hits the ground, then the opposition takes possession.
Ultimate Frisbee is essentially non-contact, any contact between players can be declared a foul.
Equipment needed: 1 Frisbee, and maybe colored jerseys for one of the teams. 

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